There are many urgent issues facing Shreveport today.
LeVette's approach to these challenges is focused on results.
LeVette Understands That Economic Growth is Key to a Thriving City.
LeVette has spent the last fifteen years working in public service and community organizations, so she knows that economic investment should create thriving neighborhoods anchored by prosperous small businesses. She wants to capitalize on and preserve our historic districts to safeguard communities, ensure equitable access to business opportunities, and secure strong wages. Investing in local businesses and improving infrastructure will attract larger corporations, and LeVette recognizes that corporations engaging in business in Shreveport must demonstrate their benefit to our citizens, especially those living in our most vulnerable communities. Shreveport will prosper when every neighborhood prospers.
LeVette will make it easier for local businesses to thrive. She has long advocated for removal of barriers to business creation, such as simplifying permits, easing tax burdens, and reducing red tape. Simplifying the process will spark more economic growth, but reducing taxes and eliminating red tape will give new businesses room to breathe. She will fight for further streamlining of these processes as well as the creation of checklists and procedures to make the first steps towards opening a business more transparent and accessible to aspiring entrepreneurs. LeVette will also support the workers who are the backbone of Shreveport’s economy by ensuring safe, clean work environments. All of these steps will help Shreveport say “yes” to both existing and new businesses while supporting workers as well.
What has LeVette already done to support workers and businesses?
Amended Architecture and Engineering committee ordinance to give more leverage to local and minority professional service providers.